Thursday, July 19, 2012

#BringJobsHome: Call Your Senators Today!

The AFL-CIO is running an online action right now! We need to bring jobs back to America to help rebuild our middle class!  If you need to know why we need more American jobs, here's some quick facts.  You can call your Senators sat 888-659-9401 and urge them to support the Bring Jobs Home Act.  Then tweet at your Senators, telling them to support the bring jobs home act!

You can find your Senator on Twitter at

Sample tweets from supporters:

RT @AFLCIO: Your taxpayer dollars are being used to pay for companies to ship jobs overseas. But that can end today. #BringJobsHome RT!
RT @CWAUnion: We need laws that make it harder for companies like @TMobile to offshore our jobs like #BringJobsHome
.@SenRonJohnson vote for the #BringJobsHome Act to stop giving taxpayer money to outsourcers #outsourcing #1u #wiunion
@SenatorCardin: Our tax code should not reward companies for moving jobs overseas- Ben #BringJobsHome

RT: @SenGillibrand: Proud to co-sponsor #BringJobsHome Act to reward cos that return #jobs to the US. Thx Sen. @stabenow for your leadership on this impt issue.

Thanks! RT: @sengillibrand: I strongly support the #BringJobsHome Act & urge my colleagues to do the same. It's time to end outsourcing & start #insourcing. 

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