Monday, September 30, 2013

Top 15 things that happened last week:

1.  Victory for Change Walmart: Some Walmart workers are getting a Christmas gift...Full-Time jobs this holiday season.

2.  Wegmans clears up that they love their employees, even though their contract negotiations with the Teamsters haven't shown much love.

3.  Despite DC Mayor's veto of the living wage bill, polls show an overwhelming majority of public support of the bill.

4.  Walgreens is shifting health coverage for 160,000 workers due to Obamacare.

5.  Whole Foods is launching a butcher training program.

6.  Staples workers made history last week, becoming the first to win a contract in North America (Canada).

7. Amazon warehouse workers are suing the company for some outrageous security precautions.

8. 30,000 grocery workers may be going on strike in Washington.

9.  Ahold has made some changes to their supervisory board.

10.  47 million people rely on SNAP, cutting it is putting us on a dangerous road. Check out why at HungerCliff  add your voice on ThunderClap

11. Tweet of the Week: @ASPEEL1500: "So proud of @UFCW1500 shop steward Debbie Gernand, receiving @ufcw Region 1's outstanding member award!"

12. Check out Rep. Joe Crowley in a creative speak out against SNAP Cuts.

13. Typical American Family Makes Less Than it Did in 1989. Census buearu report unvieled this alarming data this week.

14. T-Mobile's CEO tried his hardest to intimidate workers from voting in the CWA...Too bad for him his workers were educated, organized and prepared for scare tactics and they voted 7-1 for the union.  Yes, read that again, the CEO of T-Mobile traveled to an 8 person union election.  Seems small but David beat Goliath.  

15.  We've signed a contract extension with Stop & Shop and King Kullen; extending our CBA until midnight, October 12th.

Did we miss something? Let us know, reply to this message!

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